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About Us

Mark Burgert, President, Solar Krafte_edited.jpg

Mark Burgert, President

Who We Are

Solar Krafte builds utility scale clean energy solar PV systems from greenfield concept through to commercial operation. Our experience, expertise,and extensive resources combine optimum development sites, financing structures, and technologies to produce the lowest cost clean solar power where and when markets need it.

Our Philosophy

The choice is simple. Do we continue to rely on power generation dependent on the burning of fossil fuels at whatever escalating price is required, in dollars, our environment, our health, until we run out?  Or, do fortunate, solar resource blessed communities take responsibility and pride in a local, long term energy solution that is clean, quiet, and ideal for them; leading us into a future that their children, and our children, will thank and admire us for.

Jeff Thachuk, CEO, Solar Krafte.JPG

Jeff Thachuk, CEO

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Our Approach

We are committed to demonstrating honesty and transparency in all of our business activities. We place the highest value on the relationships we have with our landowners, vendors, investors and utility partners, believing that our success depends on true, hands-on partnerships defined by mutual respect, committed support and integrity.

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